Body Ability Control
Cooldown: 10
Deals [150-525]% Magic DMG to enemy with the highest ATK.
Decreases the enemy's ATK by [50-250] for 3 seconds.
T1: Decreases the enemy's ATK SPD by 25% for 3 seconds.
T4: Decreases ATK SPD by an additional 25%.
Quadruple Cube
Cooldown: 15
For all teammates, applies action-control immunity for 4 seconds.
Increases DEF by
T2: Recovers HP by 250% of ATK for all teammates.
T5: Recovers HP by 50% of ATK over time for all teammates for 8 seconds.
As Calculated
Increases Recovery Effect by [15-45]% for all teammates.
T3: Decreases Skill CD Rate by 10%.
First Magical Ability of White Heavenly Mirror
Cooldown: 13
Recovers HP by
[300-600]% of ATK for the teammate with the least HP(%).
Increases the teammate's ATK by [50-250] for 4 seconds.
Recovers 2 Ignition Gauge Points.
T6: To the teammate with the least HP(%), applies DMG immunity for 3 seconds.
Perfect Command
-10 Ignition Gauge
Upgrades the Basic Attack for 7 seconds.
Divides [90-189]% Magic DMG to the enemies within range 4 times.
Total [360-756]%.
Recovers 1 Ignition Gauge Point per attack, and recovers all teammates' HP by [50-105]% of ATK.
Increases all teammates' ATK by [0-12] for 7 seconds.
Increases all teammates' ATK by an additional
[0.4-0.6] per each character level.
Rice Pot
CC Immunity
Good TR Heal
Generate Ignition Gauge
Need a lot of Transc to be decent
ToT / Story
CC Immunity
DEF Buff
Long cooldowns
Boss content
Decent in some specific content like Raid
Otherwise you often dont bring healers
Generate Ignition Gauge
Ranker Wars
CC Immunity is crucial for PvP