Cooldown: 7
Deals [150-453.75]% Physical DMG to the enemies within range.
Deals additional DMG to Faction Barriers.
T1: Taunts the enemies within range for 3 seconds.
T4: Deals 50% Physical DMG to the enemies within range.
Blood Tamara
Cooldown: 9
Increases FUG teammates' MVMT SPD by [15-45]% and decreases their incoming Physical DMG by [5-20]% for 6 seconds.
T2: Decreases FUG teammates' incoming Magic DMG by 10% for 6 seconds.
T5: Increases FUG teammates' MVMT SPD by an additional 30%.
Canine Tribe's Strongest Regular
Increases DEF by [50-100].
Depending on the number of FUG teammates, increases FUG teammates' DEF by [4-5/8-10/12-15/16-20]%.
T3: Decreases Incoming Physical DMG by 30%.
Shadow Wolves
Cooldown: 15
Deals [50-151.25]% Physical DMG to the enemies within range 5 times.
Total [250-756.25]%
Increases FUG teammates' DMG by
[5-10]% for 5 seconds.
Deals additional DMG to Faction Barriers.
T6: Increases FUG teammates' DMG by 10% for 5 seconds.
Rice Pot
Fast Dash + Taunt
Great Physical Tank
FUG Synergy
ToT / Story
Fast Dash + Taunt
Great Physical Tank
FUG Synergy
Boss Content
Useless outside of Tower of Challenge
but at least bring some damage buff
Ranker Wars
Fast Dash + Taunt
FUG Synergy
PvP is more demanding