Skill 1
Cooldown: 7
Deals [170-514.25]% Physical DMG to the enemies within range.
Increases Physical DMG to self by [4-18]% for 5 seconds.
Increases Physical DMG each time Blue Surge (Skill 1) is used by [4-18]% (up to [20-90%])
T1: Deals an additional 75% Physical DMG.
T4: Increases ATK SPD to self by 25% for 4 seconds
Skill 2
Cooldown: 9
Divides [265-801.62]% in the center area of the enemy with the highest ATK.
Confuses the enemy with the highest ATK for 2 seconds
T2: Divides an additional 100%Physical DMG
T5: Increases confusion duration by 2 seconds
Increases Physical DMG by [15-60]%.
If there are 4 or more Tower Climber teammates in the team, Reset Blue Surge (Skill 1) cooldown every 6 normal attacks
T3: Increases Crit DMG by an additional 30%.
Cooldown: 14
Deals [120-363]% Physical DMG to the enemies within range 11 times
Total [1320-3993]%
Each attack has 15% chance to stun for 1 second.
T6: Applies CC immunity for 5 seconds
-10 Ignition Gauge
Upgrades the Basic Attack for 7 seconds.
Deals [150-281.25]% to the enemies within range 3 times
Total [450-843.75]%
Increases ATK by
[0-60] for 7 seconds
Increases ATK by an additional [0-0.5] per each character level.
Rice Pot
ToT / Story
Boss content
Ranker Wars