Skill 1
Cooldown: 7
Deals Magic DMG by [110-332.75]% to the enemy with the highest ATK for 3 times.
Total [330-998.25]%
Decreases the enemy's Magic DMG by [15-50]% for 4 seconds.
T1: Decreases the enemy's Magic DMG by an additional 15%.
T4: Decreases the enemy's Magic DMG for 2 more seconds.
Skill 2
Cooldown: 9
Deals [75-226.88]% Magic DMG to the enemies within range of the enemy with the highest ATK 5 times.
Total [375-1134.4]%
Stuns the enemy with the highest ATK for 2 seconds.
T2: Deals an additional 100% Magic DMG.
T5: Stuns the enemies within range of the enemy with the highest ATK.
Increases Magic DMG by [15-60]%.
T3: Applies Shield to all teammates with 30% of HP for 15 seconds when the battle starts.
Cooldown: 15
Deals [100-302.5]% Magic DMG to the enemies within range of the enemy with the highest ATK 8 times.
Total [800-2420]%
Blinds and silences the enemies for 3 seconds.
T6: Decreases the enemies' Magic DMG by 20% for 6 seconds.
-10 Ignition Gauge
Upgrades the Basic Attack for 7 seconds.
Deals Magic DMG by [150-281.25]% to the enemies with the highest ATK 2 times and decreases the enemy's Magic DMG by [20-30]% for 2 seconds.
Total [300-562.5]%
Increases all teammates' ATK by [0-12] for 7 seconds.
Increases ATK by an additional [0-0.2] per each character level.
Rice Pot
ToT / Story
Boss content
Ranker Wars