Skill 1
Cooldown: 10
Deals [70-245]% Magic DMG to the enemies within range 3 times.
Total [210-735]%.
T1: Deals an additional 100% Magic DMG.
T4: If the enemy is subject to Continuous DMG, reset the cooldown of skill 2.
Skill 2
Cooldown: 6
Deals [260-910]% Magic DMG to the nearest enemy.
Deals [15-75]% of ATK as Bleed DMG for 5 seconds.
T2: Decreases CD Rate by 90% for 4 seconds.
T5: Deals an additional 700% Magic DMG every 2 use.
Increases Magic DMG by [15-45]%.
T3: Increases Continuous DMG by 50%.
Cooldown: 15
Divides [90-315]% Magic DMG to the enemies within range 7 times.
Total [630-2205]%
Deals [15-75]% of ATK as Bleed DMG for 5 seconds.
T6: Increases Magic DMG by 40% for 7 seconds.
-10 Ignition Gauge
Upgrades the Basic Attack for 7 seconds.
Deals [60-126]% Magic DMG to the nearest enemy 5 times.
Total [300-630]%.
Deals [15-45]% of ATK as Bleed DMG for 5 seconds.
Increases ATK by
[0-60] for 7 seconds
Increases ATK by an additional [0-0.5] per each character level.
Rice Pot
Enryu outclass her
but still Really strong DPS
Less AoE than White but huge damage
ToT / Story
Enryu outclass her
but still Really strong DPS
Only Bring damage but a lot of it
No Sustain or CC Immune tho
Boss Content
Enryu outclass her
And he's Magic + Freedom Dreamer...
You can use both on some content
Really huge Single Target DPS
Continuous DMG Synergy
Ranker Wars
Simply a great DPS
Can be used for heavy damage
to counter tanky teams