Skill 1
Cooldown: 6
After rushing to the farthest enemy, deals [125-378.13]% Physical DMG to the enemies within range.
Taunts the enemies for 3 seconds.
Deals additional DMG to Faction Barriers.
T1: Deals an additional 125% Physical DMG.
T4: When this skill is used, removes up to 3 debuffs applied to you
Skill 2
Cooldown: 8
Rushes to the farthest enemy.
Deals [100-302.5]% Physical DMG to the enemies in center range 3 times
Total [300-907.5]%
30% chance to apply knockback at each attack.
Increases EVA by [50-150] for 8 seconds.
Increases EVA by an additional [0.2-3] per each character level.
T2: Applies action-control for 4 seconds
T5: Increases EVA by an additional 1 per each character level.
Increases DEF by [50-400].
Increases EVA by [50-150].
Increases EVA by an additional [0.1-1] per each character level.
T3: Decreases Incoming Magic DMG by 20%.
Cooldown: 14
After teleporting to the farthest enemy, deals [100-302.5]% Physical DMG to enemies within range 4 times.
Total [400-1210]%
Taunts all enemies for 5 seconds.
Deals additional DMG to Faction Barriers.
T6: Increases EVA by 80 for 8 seconds
-10 Ignition Gauge
Upgrades the Basic Attack for 7 seconds.
Decreases Incoming DMG by [25-47]% for 7 seconds
Deals [100-187.5]% Physical DMG to enemies within range 3 times
Total [300-562.5]%
Deals additional DMG to Faction Barriers.
Increases DEF by
[0-180] for 7 seconds
Increases DEF by an additional [0-1.5] per each character level.
Rice Pot
His EX + TR is really useful
Just put him in the back and he will take the aggro
ToT / Story
His EX + TR is really useful
Just put him in the back and he will take the aggro
Boss content
Not a DMG Dealer
Ranker Wars
Since players have similar stats, his EVA can really be useful in PvP